I remeber in high school every year this speaker for abstince (? came. All freshmen health classes had to go. All I remeber from her was she slut shamed men and women for wanting to have sex before marriage, showed very graphic pictures of std's, and discouraged anyone from looking away. She also didn't mention that not everyone wants sex, that it was alright to have sex before marriage, or that not everyone is straight, bisexual, lesbian, or any of the sort.В
By: Adalberto
ho 60 anni ma un cazzo simile non lo avevo mai visto , sto venendoooooo
By: Jane
Thank you for this. I have a friend who is very down on herself that I've linked this to. ^_^
By: Hauptman
By: Chaban
An average looking, glasses wearing mature. See her in the local supermarket and think . . . eh, not so hot. But get to know her and see her up close. Big time boner and a lot of cum needing a release.