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International spy agency, CRISIS, ran by Maxine aswellas her promiscuous alcoholic boy, Stryker, preserve the world with 1 secret mission at a time. The squad consists of passionate secret spy, Shawna, who happens to be Stryker’s ex-girlfriend inadditionto she’s currently dating Corbin, a spy-in-training. Chloe, the receptionist, is the horniest i of them all, who pines after Shawna too, togetherwith Craig, the brains of the surgery is obsessed with his gender doll. The squad must rally together to swoon over the chairman of the U. N. To win a contract but an uncover prostitute from someother agency fucked him first! A failed mission leads Maxine to move to Alaska, where she secretly bangs the topdog of the KGB who is also Stryker’s maleparent. Word gets out that Maxine’s gender tape with KGB’s Vlad is on the marketplace. Stryker inadditionto Shawna are on a mission lonely to acquire the tape inadditionto preserve CRISIS from going under, until they acquire dorsum to their kinky ways…

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