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Witnesses: Elderly Asian Woman Assaulted; Fights Off Attacker In San Francisco

Hearing Loss amongst the Elderly in a Southeast Asian Population - A Community-based Study
Why have Black and South Asian people been hit hardest by COVID-19?

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Elderly Asian woman attacked in San Francisco fights back, sends alleged attacker to hospital

Survey results on experiences of different ethnic groups during the pandemic found that some ethnicities were worse hit by the financial impact of the virus. During the first national lockdown, people in the more vulnerable, older age groups were asked to shield and minimise contact with other people to reduce their risk of infection.

COVID: Bhutan fully vaccinates 90 percent of adults within a week

Functional decline, cognitive decline, depression and poor quality of life were identified as associated with low haemoglobin levels[ 39 ]. During the first national lockdown, people in the more vulnerable, older age groups were asked to shield and minimise contact with other people to reduce their risk of infection.

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