This is the young married man I am having an affair with. I cannot even think about not having his that penis inside me. But when I am done, I always siphon off what I hope his is his last load of the night, so Wifey doesn't get any.
By: Senechal
love. you
By: Lamonica
I found myself disagreeing with you pretty strongly in this video, Dr Doe. I think you typically do quite good, informative work, but your conclusions here seemed irrational. I'll use myself as an example, since that's who I'm an authority on.
By: Frizzell
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By: Hopfer
WOW what a nice shit, Herhaling, weliswaar, maar als het om Nicole gaat, is dat helemaal niet erg. want het is een bloedgeil mokkeltje.@ Grote Beer: Ja, vakantietijd, dus soms een herhaling erbij, maar dan wel nieuwe selectie foto' s, vaak meer en in beter kwaliteit. Geen filmpje hiervan?@ Tom: Jawel, zoek in het archief.