I'm 20 and have always only ever used the disposable pads, because that's what my mum got for me and it's always been easily accessible. But I want to try something new like tampons or a menstrul cup (especially since I'm growing more aware of how muchw waste pads produce). Only thing is that I'm literally afraid of sticking anything.up.inside me. Just the thought of it makes me cringe and I'm worried. Do other people have this fear too and is it really as painful and scary as it looks to insert things?
By: Sidell
That thing looks like the mouth of the damn preditor....who in the hell finds that sexy? Forget lunch on Sunday and Monday at the louvre, dig a hole and give that thing the proper burial!
By: Ailes
Luv it when hubby cums on my face and licks it off, sharing a snowball with me. mmmm
By: Michal
I really wanna know who she is!
By: Hauer
Awesome babe, perfect rear end, Sensual até o último talo. Where the heck is Mila Azul. hottest at MetArt.@ maeck: give me a break; Mila Azul has a perfect body but She is not sexy at all. Lilit instead I can' t get her out of my head entirely Also Saphira and Gloria Sol!