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Barber Lucy has been looking frontward to seeing her favorite client Kai oncemore. The tall, handsome Brit asks Lucy for the usual, but as Lucy signals her coworker to take a break, flashing a devilish grin, it's clear today's appointment is going to be real unusual! The blonde stylist starts by massaging Kai's chief as she considers what cutting to give him, inadditionto to Kai's surprise, her hands start to wander! Lucy's talented fingers sneak under the cape to force out his cock aswellas give him a surreptitious paw job! Kai can't believe his luck, inadditionto takes his chance to take off Lucy's shorts inadditionto finally acquire a goodness seem at the perky asshole he's admired for so long. He spanks inadditionto squeezes Lucy's circular butt until the teasing blonde informs him that she loves anal. Kai wastes no time giving her just what she wants!

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